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Get to know us :)

Thank you for visiting our website! Our names are Adina, Allie, and Ava and we are part of the Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellowship of Moving Traditions, a Jewish nonprofit that emboldens teens by fostering self-discovery, challenging sexism, and inspiring a commitment to Jewish life and learning. All three of us are passionate about body positivity and want to raise awareness about self love.


This website is centered around body image of both men and women. What makes this website special is that it focuses on the healing process that both women and men experience when struggling with their body image, while also providing information about everything within the realm of self-love and confidence. Given that struggles with body image are especially prevalent today, we want to spread the message of self-love and bridge the gap between the conversation surrounding men and women’s body image. 


Given the ubiquity of social media, feeling confident in your body can sometimes be all too difficult. Although sometimes it may feel like you are the only one feeling self-conscious, you are not alone. We hope this website gives you the opportunity to share your story and learn more about body image.


Adina, Ava, and Allie

Meet The Team

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Ava Lifton


Adina Kurzban

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Allie Tarkoff

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